Nákupní košík je prázdný

TrustWorthy Investment Holding SE

Company name: TrustWorthy Investment Holding SE

Company address: Na Výsluní 201/13, Strašnice, 100 00 Prague 10

VAT code: 01930575

VAT number: CZ01930575

The company is registered with the Municipal Court in Prague under the file number H 1202.





Bank details


Bank account number: 1387907233/2700

IBAN: CZ21 2700 0000 0013 8790 7233



Bank account number: 1387908156/2700

IBAN: CZ29 2700 0000 0013 8790 8156



Bank account number: 1387908172/2700

IBAN: CZ82 2700 0000 0013 8790 8172



Bank account number: 262452365/0300

IBAN: CZ40 0300 0000 0002 6245 2365




Bank account number: 262452437/0300

IBAN: CZ36 0300 0000 0002 6245 2437




Online webinars TrustWorthy Investment

5. 5. 2020

From the comfort of your home, you can be in regular contact with us. Online webinars where you can find out more information about precious metals, cooperation options or answer your questions.

Unique Diamond Mine: All You Find, It Is Yours

30. 8. 2016

There is an only diamond mine in American state Arkansas which is open to the public.

Lesedi La Rona Insured for $120M

30. 6. 2016

Lesedi La Rona Insured for $120M